In truth, Edie's own detest for the word 'mate' stemmed entirely from her own upbringing. From an early age, she had been told who she would eventually marry. She knew that it was entirely a power play for her parents. The son of their Alpha, a boy who grew up to be the Beta of the pack. She had been pushed to befriend the man. To be his from the very beginning. It was troubling when you were told as a child who your 'mate' was. There was a reason that she'd ran the instant that she could. When she'd met Kato here in Sacrosanct, she'd expected that it would just be a fling. She hadn't anticipated that she would fall in love with him, nor that she would have a need for him that was nearly overwhelming. Still, she detested calling him her mate. The word mate made her feel inferior, as though she was somehow less than him. But she wasn't. The Beta title that she held herself was one that she had earned of her own merit. Not by being important to a man.
Still, the young woman couldn't help but chuckle at the mention of being a graceful dancer. Normally, she would have argued on it, but for now the alcohol that seemed to dilute her senses. She merely allowed him to lead her, grinning to herself as he complimented her. "I am extremely open to your kind." She enjoyed the attention. She loved the way he flirted back with her even though he was aware of her boyfriend. And he was handsome. He had to have a girlfriend. But what would it hurt to have a little fun for the evening. She wouldn't do anything with him, no. No, she would dance with him, and let him be her fun for the evening. But her loyalty was with Kato...
Of course, that line of thought was pulled quickly away as the attention went solely to the mention of the Nightshade pack. She'd only interacted with one of them - Nadya - but she had listened to the hatred that her own Alpha had from the pack. But if Nadya was any indication of how awful the rest of the pack was, Edie was sure that they were awful. The near drowning was enough to make her completely bitter towards the other woman. "I'm a terrible swimmer," She commented, the honesty completely genuine due to the liquor in her system. "If my boyfriend hadn't pulled me out of the water, I would be dead." Her voice was a slight slur as she pulled herself in closer. "I don't think she meant to drown me though. I still think she's a bitch."
It was easy enough to push her hair back, moving it out of the way as she spoke of dinner for the vampire. She recalled how good it had felt to have Sebastian's fangs within her skin. What was to say that this man wouldn't feel exactly the same. She grinned up at him, her fingers coming to push his hair back out of his face. "It's absolutely an invitation." Her fingers reached up to tangle in the fabric of his shirt, tugging him in against her once more. "I'll give you your dinner. I like the way it feels. But what are you going to do for me in return, my dear?" It was empty words, of course. Whether she chose to admit it or not, she knew that if he wanted to drink from her, she was powerless to stop him. She was, after all, a drunk in a graveyard.
"So are you going to drink or not?" She asked, grinning up at him. "I'm curious. Will my blood make you drunk as well?"