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My Own Form of CHAOS (Edith)

Posted on July 20, 2016 by Damon Marcello

Since I don't know where Isolt and I stand at this moment, I haven't returned to work at Red on the Water just yet. I'm giving her time to clear her head and decide for herself where she wants me in her life. I figure that's the best thing I can do for her right now. I've done what I could. I approached her and told her why I left. I know it doesn't make up for the actual leaving part but it's a start. Now the ball's in her court. I don't really have much to do so I start walking through the residences, glancing at houses as I walk by and wondering how life has changed since I've been here last. I still have good memories of this place and they're still so fresh in my mind.

I wonder what happened to the little girl vampire I met one night. I chased a woman right into her arms and then we shared a meal. That is, after we played hop scotch with the woman. It was quite fun. I haven't seen her since. And then there was the psycho who kidnapped Isolt. I don't know if she was trying to rape her or torture her but either way, that wasn't flying. I want to find that vampire and show her what real torture is, even though I know Isolt wouldn't approve. She doesn't know this side of me, the darker side. I do well to keep it hidden from her. Davante has gotten to see a taste of it a time or two. We enjoy making others our puppets while we laugh at their torment. I wonder what that warlock is up to. I might try to find him if he's still around.

As I pass the cemetary, I look into the fog settling around the tombstones and smirk. Ah yes, I've had fun in that cemetary. There was a Were who caught my fancy and we rolled around in the graves. Much more fun than rolling in the hay, let me tell you. She didn't stick around long but she had a way of getting under my skin when she was here. She would come to my house during the day and leave scent markers everywhere, torturing me when I'd wake at night and find her gone. But Isolt is different. She's pure and honest and makes me want to be something more. She sees my flaws and still claims to love me. I don't know how that's possible. How could anyone love a monster like me?

When I see a human figure in the fog, I have to stop and blink my eyes a few times. I know I have great night vision so there was someone in there among the tombstones. Curiosity has always been a weakness of mine so I jump the small picket fence that surrounds the place and walk in amongst the graves. When I see the figure again, I tilt my head, knowing she can hear me. "Odd place to choose for a walk at night."

Damon Marcello
My Own Form of Chaos
