The night had started out as most of Edie's nights tended to these days. Kato had slipped out of bed early in the morning and had yet to return, so the restlessness of the young fox had been passed entirely onto her pack. Claire had spent most of the evening in the kitchen perfecting some recipe that she had insisted she didn't need Edie's help on. Edie was sure that that was simply an excuse to keep her out of the kitchen and out of her hair. Calliel had hidden away in her room. And that left Frost, who had been trying to read a book in a language that Edie didn't speak. So the restless girl attempted to read along with him before she moved on to Netflix, and then back to leaning against Frost's shoulder and browsing on her phone. It was only when she'd taken several secret pictures of him to post on her Instagram did she finally get too restless to even sit still.
She was sure that he was relieved when she'd started out the door, purse in tow. She'd attempted to hang out at one of the local bars, hoping that tequila or vodka would distract her from the restlessness that crawled through her veins. And sure, for a little bit the attention of the men in the bar had pleased her for a little bit, but even that faded quickly in the wake of everything else. The alcohol still pulsed in her veins as she stumbled out of the bar, finding the walk home to be somewhat of an effort. She was sure she could have called a cab, but where was the fun in that? No, instead the Were girl proceeded to attempt to walk home in the high heels that she'd thought matched her incredibly cute outfit for the day.
The girl was remarkably exhausted when she walked past the cemetery. She leaned down, stepping out of the heels and walking barefoot into the grass. It was so soft between her toes and that alone was enough to let a laugh slip out of her features. She was sure that the laugh was not appropriate for the location, nor was the way she seemed to twirl in between the graves in a odd way of dancing to music that only she could hear. It was entirely the alcohol that coursed through her system that made her act like this, and in fact it only seemed to halt when she heard the voice cut through the night.
Laughing, the girl turned to face the male. Vampire. Ooh, he was cute. She turned to grin at him. "I'm not walking, silly man. I'm clearly dancing." She laughed once more and twirled around in the grass, bumping herself into a tombstone before she tripped and landed flat on her ass. Instead of acknowledging any pain she might have felt, the girl burst into a near hysterical fit of giggles. She moved, attempting to pull herself back to her feet. Grasping at the tombstone to hoist herself up, she giggled up at him. "So, are you going to ask me to dance or not?" She inquired.
If anything, the man could probably entertain her for a little while, and was that not what she was working on doing for the evening? He was cute enough to play around with, even if it would mean nothing. She had a boyfriend - one she loved - and any toying she would do with this vampire in front of her would mean utterly nothing. No, anything she did this evening would be entirely for her own amusement.